a runner in the park holding a capsule of fish oil

Supplements for Injury Prevention

The Taste for Life Staff
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Exercise is vital for life, but injuries often set us back for a couple of days or longer.

Supplements for Injury Prevention

While the occasional pulled muscle or inflamed tendon is virtually unavoidable, certain key nutrients can play a role in injury prevention.

  • B vitamins

    The Bs are necessary for energy production, a crucial factor for effective exercise.

    Low levels of vitamin B12, for example, may result in diminished energy and exercise tolerance, together with fatigue and shortness of breath, according to a recent study.

  • Omega 3s

    Research has shown that these essential fatty acids can enhance athletic performance while helping to stave off injuries.

    They reduce inflammation and ease postworkout muscle soreness.

  • Vitamin D

    Low serum levels of vitamin D have been shown to negatively affect muscle strength and endurance and increase the risk of musculoskeletal injuries like stress fractures.

  • BCAAs

    Found in supplement form or food (meat, fish, seafood, milk, eggs), branched-chain amino acids (including valine, leucine, and isoleucine) offer two key benefits for athletes as post-training support.

    First, they stop the breakdown of muscle after a workout.

    Second, they initiate the recovery process, helping to repair muscle.

  • Glutathione

    This antioxidant has been proven to reduce symptoms of stress and discomfort in muscles and joints.

    It provides a boost in athletic performance and recovery.

  • Calcium

    Adequate calcium intakes guards against fracture risk.

    There is no need to exceed recommended calcium amounts, which are 1,000 milligrams (mg) per day (through a combination of dietary and supplement sources) if you are 50 or younger. For women 51 or older, 1,200 mg is the recommended amount.

    Because the body can absorb only a certain amount of calcium at a time, it's best to break the dosages into roughly 500 mg at a time.

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