an old tortoise wearing hip sunglasses

Radical Longevity

Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S.
This content originally appeared on 

Our immune system is our first responder, defining and protecting us from potentially disruptive, harmful invaders. Our overall immunity determines how we will weather any onslaught of bacteria, mold, fund, virus, parasites, heavy metals, and chemicals.

Additionally, our immunity is subject to highly inflammatory lifestyle factors, such as a diet high in processed and refined carbohydrates, a high intake of sugar and grains, stress, lack of sleep, reduced exercise, unexpected trauma, and physical challenge and change as we advance through life. We are more at risk for autoimmune conditions and infections< when our toxic burden “runneth over,” and the immune system is unable to function in the way it was designed to perform.

Seven Rules for Longevity

In my new book, Radical Longevity, I unpack my seven new rules for radical longevity.

  • Immunity is everything
  • Take on toxic overload
  • Stop AGEs (advanced glycation end products)
  • Free up fascia for youthful movement
  • Activate cellular rejuvenation
  • Mind your minerals
  • Optimize the gut-brain connection.

The reason the rules work together, much as the systems in your body, is that every day your DNA is being damaged. A healthy person replaces or repairs their damaged DNA at about the same rate that it was damaged. This is why it is so critical to address our overall health as we age, so that we are advancing our healing, repair, and restoration, not relaxing into “normal” decline over the years.

When your hair starts to gray, skin starts to sag, or memory starts to fade, these are signs your body is not able to do all the DNA repair it needs, and oxidative damage is accumulating. Think of these as calls to action rather than an inevitable trajectory of your life and health.

Natural Steps for Longevity

I suggest you begin your approach in the following ways.

  • Invest in Yourself

    Begin thinking about your life holistically—body, mind, spirit, and environment. All are intricately connected, and each affects the others. Your time, money, and energy are your resources to use and rely on as you make decisions about how you will invest in your wellbeing. Be vigilant and take action.

    Don’t wait to start taking corrective steps, believing, “It will get better.” That is outdated thinking. Repair is our best defense, and early action can greatly reduce recovery time from any challenge or injury.

  • Every Effort Counts

    Be they small or large, inexpensive or more costly, your efforts count and either add to, or subtract from, vibrant health. Don’t ever think that one simple action a day won’t make a difference.

  • Upgrade and Update

    New science is always emerging. Don’t get stuck on any one remedy; be open to trying something new or at another level.

  • Be Your Own Laboratory

    Notice results as you make changes. Keep a diary or create a checklist of desired and expected outcomes you want to see and at what level and frequency.

    If you don’t take notice of the effects of your efforts, you’re missing a chance to fine-tune what you need. Your healthcare practitioner is reliant on your compliance with follow-through and your ability to articulate what is going on as a result.

    Everybody is different; you are always going to know more about your body and experience than anyone else.